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Back to Me (Cameron Falls: A Small Town Romance Book 1)

  Back to Me

  Cameron Falls: A Small Town Romance

  TC Matson


  To My Readers

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37


  Sneak Peek of Back to Us

  Books by TC

  Connect with TC Matson


  Copyright © 2021 TC Matson

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permissions of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to people, whether living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products and works mentioned within this work.

  Cover Created by: Juliana @Jersey-Girl Designs

  Cover Photographer: CJC Photography

  Cover Model: Ashley Gibson

  Edited by: Amanda Brown

  To My Readers


  I cannot thank you enough for taking a chance on me, on my characters, and on my stories.

  Thank you for all your love and support!

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  Chapter One


  Little hands push at my face. “Daddy.”

  I have to bite back my smile to pretend to still be sleeping.

  “Daaadddyyy,” Hadley whisper-sings, continuing to poke my cheek.

  Normally, I’m already up and gone, leaving Hadley to sleep while Ma or Willow stays and watches her. But it’s Saturday—my only late day, the one day I can sleep in. Except I never do. Not when my beautiful daughter has made it a habit to wake up at the ass crack of dawn, sneak down the hall, and into my room to wake me up while I pretend she hasn’t already.

  My favorite part? It’ll happen in three…

  “Wakey. Wakey. Daddy.” Poke to the forehead.


  “If you don’t get up, I’m going to starve to death.”


  Roaring like a dragon, I jerk up, snatch her wrist, and spin her around, placing her back to the mattress. I tickle her sides, plastering kisses all over the side of her neck. She squeals laughing, kicking, and bucking like a bronco. Gripping both her hands in one of mine, I raise her arms above her head and start to walk my fingers up her rib cage.

  “Daddy! Sttoooppp!” she cackles, thrashing her head back and forth. It causes her hair to become even more of a giant rat’s nest.

  “Did you say more?” I tease, tickling her armpits.

  She howls with laughter, kicking out her legs underneath me.

  After a few more tortuous minutes, I relent and release her. She takes several breaths and then leaps up and throws her arms around my neck for the best morning hug known to man.

  “Good morning, love bug,” I croon, giving her a tight squeeze.

  “Morning, Daddy. I’m hungry.”

  Of course she is. The moment her eyes pop open, her stomach wakes up too. Chuckling, I scoop her up like a sack of potatoes and get out of the bed. “Then I guess we need to do something about that.”

  Hadley’s little giggles echo around us as I carry her floppy body down the hallway and into the kitchen.

  I set her onto the counter. “What’s it going to be today?”

  She taps her little finger to her chin while she looks up to the ceiling contemplating. I already know she wants eggs. She lives for eggs in the morning. But I wait for her response anyway.

  “Scrambled eggs,” she tells me.

  I tap her on the nose and smile. “That I can handle.”

  As I busy myself with cracking and scrambling the eggs while the butter melts in the pan, Hadley sits on the counter with her legs crossed, her pink gown stretched over her knees, and she talks…and talks…and talks. Talking is her favorite thing to do. If it were an Olympic sport, my beautiful little daughter would win gold.

  Today, she’s excited that my sister, Willow, is taking her to the creek while I work—something Hadley has been begging for.

  “Then maybe after we can get ice cream because every girl needs ice cream. That’s what Aunt Wills says. And if she don’t take me, I’ll ask you and give you my best puppy eyes so you’ll have to take me.”

  I cast a pointed look at her. “You know that doesn’t work on me.” Lies. It absolutely does work on me. She’ll latch those amber eyes on me and I’ll melt. Every damn time. “Grandma and Grandpa? Sure. But not me.”

  She raises her little eyebrow at me in challenge—the same look her mother used to give me—and adds a little wicked smile. “Wanna bet?”

  Under my breath, I chuckle. She’s definitely her mother’s daughter. I match her look, giving her a little wicked smirk of my own and raising my eyebrow. “Yes.”

  “Okay.” She lifts a shoulder and takes our plates of scrambled eggs and places them on the counter beside her.

  After I pour each of us a glass of orange juice, I hop up on the counter, crossing my legs in front of me just like hers, and put my plate on my lap. Yes. We’re eating breakfast on the kitchen counter. It’s been our thing since she was a baby. I’d set her in a bouncy seat and hold her bottle while I ate. Then as she grew and got strong enough to hold her own bottle, I’d still set her up here and eat with her. Nothing has changed. And it’s our little secret. If my mother found out I was acting like a barnyard animal, she’d probably skin me.

  “So, are you going to try those puppy dog eyes on me?” I ask, popping a bite of toast into my mouth.

  “No, Daddy.” Apparently, I’m dumb by that tone. “Aunt Wills says I have to hit you with them when you don’t except it.”

  “Expect,” I correct her as she shovels a spoonful of eggs into her mouth.

  Just as we finish eating, there’s a knock on the door. Sliding off the counter, I help Hadley down before I go to open it while she rinses off the plates.

  “Morning,” Willow chirps, all bright eyed and bushy tailed. She’s wearing a light pink tank top, short shorts, and boots. At twenty
, she’s the baby and the only girl of four siblings. She may dress girly, but my sister is tough as nails. “Where’s Pipsqueak?”

  I’m about to tell her when Hadley comes bounding out of the kitchen and slams into Willow’s legs.

  “Aunt Wills!” She lolls her head back to look up. “I told Daddy we were going to get ice cream but if you didn’t take me then I was going to ask him and if he said no then I was going to give him puppy eyes but he said they wouldn’t work on him.” She word vomits all over the place with the sweetest look on her face.

  Willow’s eyes raise to mine and she does absolutely nothing to hide the evilness in her smile as she glances back down to my daughter. “Go get dressed. We’ll practice the look today. Let a master show you how it’s done.”

  Hadley giggles as she barrels past me heading to her room. Willow follows in behind me as I go back to the kitchen to wash the few dishes. “You’re teaching her bad habits,” I say mirthfully.

  “That’s what the favorite aunt is supposed to do. I know all the tricks.”

  I bark a laugh and glance to her over my shoulder. “Because you’re spoiled rotten.”

  A grin lights up her face as she drops her hip to the counter, and she crosses her arms over her chest indignantly. “Precisely. We’re the only girls in a pack of boys. Overly protected.” She rolls her eyes. “Let us be spoiled.”

  “I’m ready!” Hadley skips into the kitchen. Her hair is brushed but left down. She too has shorts and boots on, but instead of matching Willow’s pink, she’s put on a lavender t-shirt.

  I dry off my hands and squat in front of her. “Did you brush your teeth?”

  Her head bobs up and down. “Yep. Right before I brushed my hair.”

  I give her a hug and she gives me a big fat kiss on the cheek. “Love you, Daddy.”

  “Love you too,” I stand. “Have fun and try to behave.”

  Willow holds out her hand and Hadley takes it. “Keyword is try, brother.” She winks and strolls out of the house.

  Sweat drips off my forehead and trickles along my temple as I toss the next hay bale up to Blake, my brother. We have several ranch hands who could be doing this, but we try to do some of the work to give them time off. Keeps us in shape and keeps the morale up.

  “You’re slowing down, old man,” Blake jests.

  He’s younger than me by three years. “Last I remember I’ve been doing this longer than you,” I say. “Besides, you’re doing the easy work.”

  He barks a laugh. “Because I’m the smarter one. Catchin’s the easy part. You’re the dumbass here.”

  The sound of Hadley and Willow’s voices catches my attention. They’re early. By several hours. When I turn around, a chill races up my spine and my heart shudders in my chest before dropping into the depths of my stomach. Hadley’s lavender shirt has a blood trail with smears all over it. A bandage is on her forehead right at her hairline and a larger one covers her knee.

  Fear and anger course through me.

  Willow holds her hands up, eyes drowning in worry. “Before you lose your head. She’s fine. As you can tell.” She tosses her thumb toward my daughter. “She took a spill and well… I might have overreacted.”

  Hadley rolls her eyes. “You cried more than me.”

  “What happened?” I ask, squatting in front of Hadley and checking her over.

  “I was playing at the creek and there was this butterfly. It was really pretty and really big and I went to follow it and the rock was slippery and I fell.” She lifts her knee, pointing to the bandage for emphasis. “Nurse Presley said I don’t need stitches and I need to put some oinkment and Band-Aids on them. She said I’ll be good in no time, but you have to keep an eye on me to make sure I don’t show signs of a percussion.”

  “Concussion,” Willow corrects reluctantly.

  My eyes snap up to Willow. “A concussion? You went to the doctor but didn’t think about calling me?” I fume, standing as anger boils my veins.

  Willow visibly winces. “I had it under control. But I freaked. You know how head wounds bleed like a stuck pig.” She takes a few steps back and sits on top of a hay bale. Her voice, eyes, and face are drowning in apologies. “Both were just ugly scratches. She cleaned them up, put some antibacterial ointment on them, slapped a couple of Band-Aids on, and voila. Good as new.”

  She’s acting nonchalant, like it isn’t a big deal, but underneath her fake façade, she’s barely keeping it together. I don’t know if it’s from the fear of my reaction, the scare of what happened, or both. Willow doesn’t do well at the sight of blood. Never has.

  “I’m fine, Daddy,” Hadley looks up at me, her amber eyes pleading. She’s doing it. Right now. Those damn puppy dog eyes. Innocent. Sweet. Precious. Wide. Dammit. “But I’d really like some ice cream. Please. It would make me feel lots more better.”

  The anger that was rushing through me diminishes slightly. “Yeah, baby.”

  Hadley’s arms shoot up in victory. “Yes!”

  Blake’s boots land beside me when he jumps down from the hayloft. “Hey, Pipsqueak.” His eyes roam over her and then he scoops her up. “What happened to you?”

  “I slipped and fell at the creek and it hurted really bad. Aunt Wills took me to the doctor and nurse Presley fixed me up and said I’ll be good as new soon.”

  Blake leans close to whisper. “Did Willow lose her mind?”

  Hadley hides her giggle behind her hand and nods. “She was running around and crying. When nurse Presley started cleaning it, Aunt Wills had to sit down and fan herself.”

  Blake chuckles.

  “Daddy. Can Uncle Blake come with us to get ice cream too?”

  “I can’t go today. I’ve got a lot of work left. Maybe we can have an ice cream date this weekend?”

  Hadley shoves her bottom lip out. Oh hell. She’s setting him up for the infamous “break your heart” look no one can refuse. But before she can execute it fully, Blake puts his hand over her face and blocks it. “Nope. Not happening. You ain’t suckerin’ me in like you did the last time.” Hadley laughs, trying to push his hand away, but it’s unsuccessful. Blake stretches out his arms, holding my daughter in the air as he hands her to me. “I believe this thing belongs to you.”

  She wraps her arms around my neck when I take her. “This thing needs a bath and a change of clothes before I take her out. So do I.” I set her down and give Willow a hard look. “You and I aren’t done with this conversation.” Not by a long shot. I want to know why the hell I was the last to know.

  Willow’s face falls and she nods without saying anything.

  Chapter Two


  Thankfully, Hadley’s wounds weren’t anything serious. I had to check for myself since the words “stitches” and “concussion” were used. They’re ugly gashes, but she’ll be fine. After checking them out and reapplying the ointment and Band-Aids, I took her out to eat supper before our ice cream date where she enjoyed the biggest damn banana split while talking my ear off about everything she saw at the creek.

  Once done with ice cream, we stop at the grocery store on the way home to get a few things. I’m grabbing a loaf of bread when something catches Hadley’s attention and she rushes off.

  “Hadley!” I call after her, slowing her down when she’s halfway down the aisle.

  She’s bouncing on her toes, looking between me and the end of the aisle. When I’m close, she snatches my hand and takes off, dragging me behind her.

  “What in the world has your attention?”

  She doesn’t answer as she’s too excited and focused on whatever it is. She jerks me around the end of the aisle and turns down the next.

  “Nurse Presley!” she shouts, tugging me harder to go faster.

  A woman in scrubs—gray pants with a teal top—and honey-colored hair pulled into a ponytail turns around, causing her hair to whip around. When her eyes land on Hadley, she breaks out into a huge smile. Then something strange happens. The air vacuums out of my lungs
. A rush travels from the top of my head and tumbles down my spine straight to my toes at the same time my heart slaps against my chest and my stomach dips.

  The hell?

  Presley crouches down in front of Hadley and brushes her hair away from her forehead. “Hey, pretty girl. How’s this feel? Still good?”

  Hadley beams with her head nodding up and down. “Yep!”

  “No headaches? Your belly doesn’t feel sick, does it?”

  Hadley’s head changes direction. “Nope.”

  Presley touches the side of her knee. “And this?”

  I’m mesmerized, frozen by her voice, the softness in it, and the way she’s tending to my daughter…

  “It’s good.”

  “That’s great.” Presley’s smile lights up her entire face. “Remember what I said. It’s probably going to be sore tomorrow, but you’re tough. Nothing a little ice cream won’t fix.”

  Girls and their ice cream…

  “I made daddy take me tonight,” Hadley says, full of pride.

  “Daddy. This is nurse Presley. She’s the one who doctored me up, but she’s a nurse, so she’s almost a doctor.” Hadley looks back to Presley. “Daddy wasn’t happy with Aunt Wills. Just like I told you,” she stage-whispers and fails miserably.